Sold for $900,000 in Thornhill Woods | 36 Rustwood Rd., Vaughan
Townhomes are the Present and Future in the Greater Toronto Area
We represented the buyer in this transaction who was also selling their stacked townhome in North York who wanted/needed more size, a backyard, a basement, better schools and of course no maintenance fees.
Although Rustwood is not a large home and we know prices are still pretty unforgiving even in York Region these days, it was below budget for our client and they are happy to be moving on, moving up and thinking that in a few years after some upgrades and perhaps a stronger market up for townhomes, this one could be worth something in the range of $1-$1.1M and we wouldn’t be all too against that idea at all!
The home features 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, unfinished ground floor basement with walkout to the garage (fantastic for those cold winter days) and of course in the highly coveted Thornhill Woods neighbourhood of Vaughan. We would like to congratulate our clients on an amazing purchase and wish them all the best in their new home.
The Living Area
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